Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ladybugs in KL

There! I kid you not!

Ok ok so i might have tampered with the picture abit to make it look more red.
I can't help it if my camera phone sucks. :P

But seriously!
When was the last time you saw a ladybug?
All we see now are flies, mosquitos and cockroaches.
(Fleas and kutus if you have pets)

And it was just there, on my bathroom wall.
ok I'm going to resist singing shaggys "It wasn't me"
Suddenly I feel as if I'm being watched.
Then I thought I was seeing spots.
Red Spots.
And whaddaya know~ a lady bug...
awww so cute..

should i go with the glass cup?
or squash it?


moi~ said...

omg, yea i know what u mean.
whenever i do see a ladybug, which is so rare these days...i gush and stare in awe. it's so cute! indeed a fresh sight after being used to all the rodents and roaches *bleargh*

psst...why i have to do word verification all the time to comment ah...mahfan laaa...

EuPhoria said...

i dunno la...
i just changed the settings to "anyone can comment, even anonymously.. i hope that fixes it..