Sunday, February 15, 2009

4 seasons of Valentine

True Friends, unlike most hello-goodbye friends
fight like you've just killed her entire family
swears like a whore having a bad day
and at the end, puts her arm on your shoulder and says "man, what a great day"

I've experienced this many a time,
but never before in a club.
Its usually speaking in a very monotonous serious voice
or abundance of messages
both trying to make the other party feel bad
Yesterdays episode was a series of eye balling
shouting, cussing & pushing
if we weren't being pulled back and separated
i think punching and biting was in progress
i guess not your average cat fight... hahaha

True Friends will also understand when the time calls for a slap on the face
hahahahaha theres just something about a slap that gives great pleasure..

Yesterdays event was pretty awesome
music, booze, dancing, interesting crowd, jovial group
falling, puking, comforting, fighting, shouting, sprained ankles
practically perfect!!!
sprained ankle and all...

See Debs I promise you guys,
I get you guys...
Such a nice aunty...LOL
If things do work out you owe me a bottle of BOMBAY SAPPHIRE


moi~ said...

1stly, who la was fighting and why?

2ndly, is the guy u intro to deb, the one with 6 pack...marvin or smth?

moi~ said...
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EuPhoria said...

me and liaw..liaw was drunk and shouted at me, so i shouted back..ended up me pushing her lor..LOL

hahaha why does everybody remember the 6 pack thingy? yes thats Marvin...

EuPhoria said...

i think his name shall forever be 'the 6 pack guy' to you...muahahahah